Pre mounted self regulating heating cable kits – Technitrace

Technitrace pre mounted self-regulating heating cable kits are the ideal solution for temperature maintenance and the prevention of your water pipes, waste pipes, gutters, and other appliances from freezing.
Technitrace pre mounted self-regulating heating cable kits can be cut to the length of your pipes for perfect fitting and therefore need no security thermostat… They automatically adapt their local heating in accordance to the ….. needs (cold spot : the energy rises, hot spot, the cables slows its heating energy).

The advantages of Technitrace pre mounted self-regulating heating cables
Unlike other pre mounted kits that are commercialized on other sites (constant wattage with a non-adjustable cable length), our self-regulating heating cables benefit from the latest technology from the TECHNITRACE manufacturer.
No need for security contact thermostat.
The classical heating cables are composed of constant wattage heating wires/cables. Their wattage being constant regardless of the pipes temperature, it is imperative that they should be associated with a thermostat security system (…..generally situated at the extremities) in order to show any thermic…
Technitrace pre mounted self-regulating heating cable kits need no security system and offers intrinsic security provided by the heating technology of the self-regulating semi-conductor heating cable. Whatever happens, there is no risk of overheating and the wattage energy adapts to the pipes heat.
-> Hot spot, the energy weakens. Cold spot, the energy rises in that area : self regulating heating cables advantage.
-> The cable can be cut to lengnth : self regulating heating cables advantage.
The classical heating cables found on the net are constant wattage power and determined at a specified length. They should in any way be cut or lenght adjusted.
In most cases classical kits founded on the net are never at the exact longer of the pipes that need freeze protection: they are generaly more longer.
The user will be obliged to spirale the excess of length and it will create a under power.
Technitrace pre mounted self-regulating heating cable kits allow for overlapping, and so to be cut at the exact length (impossible with constant wattage products) and naturally remove any hot point by its self-regulating intrinsic character (see page self regulating heating cables).